
Pig fry Learn more about Pig fry

  • What are the high quality varieties of pig seedlings? How to choose pig fry?

    What are the high quality varieties of pig seedlings? How to choose pig fry?

    Pigs are common livestock, and they are raised in many areas. the first step in raising pigs is to buy pig fry, but do you know what high-quality varieties there are? And how to select high-quality pig seedlings? Let's learn about it. What are the high quality varieties of pig seedlings? 1. Length

    2020-11-27 Pig fry high quality breed which how selection pig yes common
  • Selection and purchase of fattening Pig Seedling how to choose good Pig Seedling

    Selection and purchase of fattening Pig Seedling how to choose good Pig Seedling

    Generally, the purpose of selecting pig fry (weaned piglets) is to grow fast, easy to eat, save feed, strong adaptability, disease resistance, high lean meat rate and so on. How to select a good pig fry, please pay attention to the following points: 1. To select lean hybrid pigs: hybrid pigs have high vitality and adaptability.

    2020-11-27 Fattening pig fry buy how pick choose general select
  • The fried water of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    The fried water of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    In summer and autumn, pigs are prone to pig lice, which not only affects the quiet and hygiene of pigs, but also hinders the growth and development of pigs. The method to control pig lice is to take 1000 grams of fresh peach leaves, add 2000 milliliters of water to boil, take the cooled filtrate, wash the place where the pig has lice, and wash it twice in a row, you can kill all the pig lice and destroy the lice eggs. If cattle lice are born on cattle, they can also be killed in this way.

  • Prevention and treatment of Porcine Influenza

    Prevention and treatment of Porcine Influenza

    Prevention and treatment of Porcine Influenza

  • The simple method of pig fattening, is it effective to use fattening agent?

    The simple method of pig fattening, is it effective to use fattening agent?

    2% of moxa powder, 80% of paulownia flowers, 20% of sprouts, 15g of nitrate and 25-50g of bauhinia can be added to the diet, and 1 part of sesame, 3 parts of fried soybeans and 1 part of shelled fried castor can be mixed and fed. Usually when the pig weight is 30-50kg

    2020-11-08 Pig fattening simple method use agent is it effective?
  • How much is the market price of "silver ingot box" pig waist (kidney) per jin? What is the nutritional value? How to eat tonifying kidney?

    How much is the market price of

    Pig waist is pig kidney, which is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus and other elements. it is often eaten to tonify the kidney and treat edema, so many people like to eat it. how much is the market price of pig waist? What is the nutritional value? How to eat tonifying kidney? The latest market price: pig

    2020-11-11 "Silver ingot box " Pig waist kidney market price more less money one jin
  • When it comes to eating pig brains, I admire India the most, even those who hate it can eat a big bowl.

    When it comes to eating pig brains, I admire India the most, even those who hate it can eat a big bowl.

    Pig brain flower a lot of people like to eat, right? Especially when eating hot pot, put it in the pot to rinse, it is called a delicious ah. Pig brain flowers are loved not only by Chinese, but also by Indians. Today I'll take you to see how Indians eat.

  • Pig obstetrical disease-stillbirth

    Pig obstetrical disease-stillbirth

    [etiology] there are many causes of fetal death, mainly inbreeding, premature mating, falling, running, catching and injuring the fetus, accidentally eating poison, suffering from acute infectious diseases, etc., resulting in fetal death and stranded in the abdomen. [symptoms] the diseased pig is lethargic, the vulva is red and swollen, there is a yellowish-brown malodorous fluid outflow, the breast is slightly larger, a small amount of colostrum can be excreted, fetal activity can not be observed for a long time, pulse is accelerated, shortness of breath, sometimes showing abdominal pain, and then the uterine mouth is closed. If stillbirths fail to produce,

  • Treatment of Pig poisoning with traditional Chinese Medicine

    Treatment of Pig poisoning with traditional Chinese Medicine

    The pigs were poisoned with excessive salt to take 30 grams of cabbage leaves and 300 grams of wild chrysanthemum, and the diseased pigs were fed with fried water twice a day for 3-4 days. Pigs eat moldy corn poisoning to take 30 grams of licorice, 100 grams of mung beans, fried into soup, add 60 grams of sugar, give the sick pigs a dose. Pigs eat potato poisoning to take 10 grams of honeysuckle, 30 grams of alum, 30 grams of licorice, fried into soup, cool to warm, add 30 grams of honey to the sick pigs. The pig was poisoned with dysentery to take 500 grams of licorice decoction.

  • The efficacy and function of stone fairy peach

    The efficacy and function of stone fairy peach

    The efficacy and function of stone fairy peach

  • Can I eat the herb boiled in pig's foot soup or crucian carp soup? Can I stew the ribs? What is the specific method?

    Can I eat the herb boiled in pig's foot soup or crucian carp soup? Can I stew the ribs? What is the specific method?

    For new mothers, they want to breastfeed very much, but sometimes there is not enough milk, so they will think of some ways to promote milk, such as Tongcao pig's foot soup or Tongcao crucian carp soup. However, the grass boiled in pig's foot soup or crucian carp soup can be eaten in the end.

    2020-11-09 Pig's feet soup or crucian carp fish soup medium boiled Tongcao edible
  • How to eat Eucommia ulmoides best?

    How to eat Eucommia ulmoides best?

    How to eat Eucommia ulmoides best?

  • Treatment of porcine nephritis

    Treatment of porcine nephritis

    Cause: glomerulonephritis is inflammation of glomeruli, renal tubules and renal interstitial tissue. Mainly sick pigs eat moldy feed and drink toxic sewage, or accidentally eat poisonous plants; colds or abdominal kicks and falls are irritated. Influenza, classical swine fever, swine erysipelas, foot-and-mouth disease and other infectious diseases, or severe gastroenteritis, pneumonia, can be secondary to nephritis. Symptoms: depressed spirit, loss of appetite and elevated body temperature in sick pigs. Due to kidney pain, the back is arched, more lying than standing, standing with the hind legs open, or curled up under the abdomen, unwilling

  • Local method for the treatment of common miscellaneous diseases in pigs

    Local method for the treatment of common miscellaneous diseases in pigs

    1. Catch a cold: ① onion 90 grams, ginger 60 grams, add water right amount boil, take its hot water fumigate pig mouth and nose, the effect is remarkable. 25 grams of ② Xanthium, stir-fry and grind the powder, mix and feed, 3 times a day. 15g ③ cumin, stir-fry, add 50g brown sugar, 100g lukewarm water. Rinse 100g ④ tea with boiling water and add 200g mung bean powder and 15g alum to feed. 2. Scabies (commonly known as leprosy): 1 part of ① tobacco leaf and 20 parts of water. After boiling for 1 hour, remove the tobacco leaf and scrub the affected area with the rest of the water. For ②

  • How much is the price of pig seedlings in 2019? What is the cost and profit of raising a sow for a year?

    How much is the price of pig seedlings in 2019? What is the cost and profit of raising a sow for a year?

    Pork is something we often meet at our dinner table. There are blood, milk and other effects, but the pig industry is a small profit margin, pig people earn hard money, then, how much is the price of pig seedlings in 2019? What is the cost and profit of raising a sow for a year? I. 2019

    2020-11-11 2019 piglets price how much one jin raise one sow
  • Pig feed formula

    Pig feed formula

    Pig feed is a kind of granular substance to supplement nutrition to pigs, which can enhance the resistance of pigs and promote development. So what's in the pig feed formula? Pig feed formula 60-120 jin finishing pig feed formula 1. 60 jin of corn flour, 20 jin of bean cake, fine

    2020-11-11 Pig feed formula pig is a kind of give supplement nutrition
  • From colored coconut balls to stewed pig blood with rice, we can open five senses from cooking and realize the dream and homesickness of migrant workers.

    From colored coconut balls to stewed pig blood with rice, we can open five senses from cooking and realize the dream and homesickness of migrant workers.

    From colored coconut balls to stewed pig blood with rice, we can open five senses from cooking and realize the dream and homesickness of migrant workers.

  • How to cleverly defrost the stiff pig?

    How to cleverly defrost the stiff pig?

    How to cleverly defrost the stiff pig?

  • How to save pig poisoning

    How to save pig poisoning

    L, rapeseed cake poisoning. 300 grams of soybeans are ground into soybean milk, 5 eggs are taken out of protein, and then mixed with soy milk and protein, once a day, for 2 to 3 days. 2. Salt poisoning. 80 grams of vegetable leaves, 350 grams of chrysanthemum, frying water, twice a day for 3 to 4 days. 3. Mildew corn poisoning. Fangfeng 150 grams, licorice 25 grams, mung beans 250 grams, fried into soup, add 80 grams of sugar, 1 time. 4. The mildew of dysentery. 400 grams of licorice fried juice, l head

  • Prescription for treating pig paralysis

    Prescription for treating pig paralysis

    Paralysis is a common disease in pigs, especially in winter and spring, especially in sows. Once the disease is diagnosed incorrectly, the medication is not symptomatic, often resulting in long-term treatment, resulting in the weakness of the pig and death. Chen Hongyi, an old veterinarian of our country, used Chinese veterinary diagnosis technology to observe the clinical manifestation of sick pigs in detail, find out the cause of the disease, select the appropriate prescription, and then prescribe the right medicine. According to many farmers, all paralyzed pigs diagnosed and treated by him not only have a high cure rate, but also
